When you have nothing left to give
find a way
a way to give more
give more of your love, your comfort, your strength
that’s what you can give
you know you can
When there’s nothing left to do
find a way
a way to do more
donate more of your time, your care, your effort
that’s what you can do
and you know it
when you’re out of dollar bills,
be generous with your pennies,
be the change you talk about,
since you always talk about it
give a smile, just a smile,
just be the one who cares
who cares the most
and let others go before you,
be the last person in line
the very last one,
the person who waits
the one who bears the brunt
just wave them all to the front
it’s okay
just let them go
it’s a gift, you know
if you walk by the homeless
try to listen
listen to the whisper inside your head
and give with a generous heart instead
just give without judgement
without a heavy sigh
You can do it
you can do it without asking why
and you know it
be the last
the last to push away
and just hug longer, kiss more
savor the embrace
gently squeeze that precious face
and look them in the eyes
so they know your love
without your words
without your declarations of
And do take some chances
some chances with your heart
be the first to step out
just step toward the middle,
be the first to say you’re sorry,
and the last to say goodbye
Just be the one at the sink, doing the dishes
be the one by the bed, saying prayers, and making sweet wishes
be the one who reads aloud
on the floor, in the car
not one story, or two
but more
more than a few
They’ll remember that about you
and when you want to give up, encourage yourself
so you can encourage them too
when the bowl is empty, scrape down the sides
and pour
just a little more
you can do it
you know you can
you can do more than your fair share
more than others will do
you know your cup is better full
so keep it that way
replenish it often
and just you watch
watch how even the meanest ones soften
you have just this one life
a lifetime of chances
to give and do more
and when you have nothing left
just find a way
you know you can
you simply still have love
and you have the grace
to place
others above
give what you have
and give it freely, openly
because what comes back
You won’t believe it
you won’t believe what happens
it’s your time, your care, your effort fortified
your comfort, your strength, your love multiplied
it’s just more
what comes back into the world, and to you
is more than what just one lovely person, can give, or do
what comes back is something simple but exceptionally true
what comes back
is something that tenaciously grew
and it all began…
it all began with you
you, who gave more and did more
when you thought you had nothing left