Much has been written about the trials and tribulations of weight loss and I, for one, have penned quite a few lengthy pieces on the subject. Why? Because it never gets old. Losing weight is challenging…but guess what is even more so? What becomes more arduous than actually losing the weight, is the “phase two” part – the […]
A Mindful Makeover
Permanent weight loss is about more than just a new diet and exercise program. Way more. A lot of things need to come together (a “perfect storm” if you will) in order for a person to make lasting, healthy changes. Changes that actually transform a person. Changes that liberate a person from suffering, ignorance and craving. […]
Losing Weight Solves Nothing by Kim Valzania
Here’s what I’ve learned so far about losing weight: It is achievable, it feels wonderful, and it is an admirable accomplishment. It truly is. It solves nothing, however. Losing weight will not solve your problems. It will not put money in the bank, it will not make you a better communicator, and it will not cure boredom or loneliness. It […]