You feel it. You’re getting warm, and you begin to simmer. As the heat rises, you try to push it back. You take deep breaths, and you count to ten. You walk outside. But, despite your best efforts to squash it, your blood boils over, and you just can’t take it anymore. You’ve rolled yourself […]
I binge on that Food Network show Chopped! the same way my husband binges on football every Sunday afternoon. Whenever it’s on, I sit there transfixed and I can’t seem to get enough. Sometimes it is an all day affair. I lay there with my feet up, and call plays from the couch, all […]
The 10 Best Things Erma Bombeck Taught Us About Parenting and Life
Oh, Erma. Writer, life philosopher, mother. Wise-cracking soul sister. We have so much in common. Upon pouring through your endearing articles, essays and books, I can’t help but be grateful for everything you managed to teach me about life and parenting – before I ever really experienced either. In the 70’s and 80’s, your books lined my mother’s book shelves. […]