When I graduated college, I married my husband and we had children right away. I’ve been a mother half my life (and of course I’ll never stop being one) but now my kids are grown up, and they just don’t need me as much. I’m at the beginning of my “next phase” in life, and it’s a […]
The Legendary Styrofoam Cooler Conniption of 1974
You feel it. You’re getting warm, and you begin to simmer. As the heat rises, you try to push it back. You take deep breaths, and you count to ten. You walk outside. But, despite your best efforts to squash it, your blood boils over, and you just can’t take it anymore. You’ve rolled yourself […]
Little Girl, Daughter, Beautiful Woman, Child
“I believe Fate smiled and Destiny laughed As she came to my cradle Know this child will be able Laughed as she came to my mother Know this child will not suffer Laughed as my body she lifted Know this child will be gifted With love, with patience, and with faith She’ll make her way, […]