Mothers, like elephants, remember. We remember the day we found out you were coming, the day we found out we were indeed growing a whole human being inside. We made you from scratch; you came from a speck. Some of us were scared. Some of us were surprised; not ready. Some of us were overjoyed; […]
The Mindful Hike
Walking through the woods, immersed in nature, always makes me feel “high.” I love every minute I spend outside, especially hiking around the many beautiful trails in my area. When I’m traversing the jutting rocks through streams and up steep hills, smelling pungent pines and the earth itself, I’m just…happy. These experiences are fantastic on […]
Blue Whale of Bolinas {Poetry}
You were hit by a ship, they said. Blunt force trauma. 10 broken ribs. Fatally unfair – Did you struggle to stay alive? For a short while, swimming in circles, knowing, the way animals know, that you didn’t have a prayer? You washed up on that rough rock beach, and we trickled in to see […]