What really matters in life? It all matters, actually, but as we work to learn and live and grow and develop into happy people, we discover that so many of the things we thought mattered to our well-being just do not feed our soul. For example, stuff, status, age, drama, perfection, invitations, and what other people think about […]
The Motivation Conundrum
Ahhh, motivation. It is indeed a conundrum. It can be a difficult thing to capture and maintain. What motivates you, and what helps you keep that feeling? I have wondered about what drives motivation – the before and after parts of any sort of success. It’s easy to get excited about a new idea or […]
Food; A Poem
My choice, my rebellion, my freedom, my shelter, my crazy, inconsistent lover, my therapy, my treatment, my family, my mother, my comfort, my pillow, my blanket, helped me cope, cope without hope, it’s how I did it, my drug, my dope stuffing it down, my addiction, my vice, my master, my boss and my captor me, […]