Oh, Erma. Writer, life philosopher, mother. Wise-cracking soul sister. We have so much in common. Upon pouring through your endearing articles, essays and books, I can’t help but be grateful for everything you managed to teach me about life and parenting – before I ever really experienced either. In the 70’s and 80’s, your books lined my mother’s book shelves. […]
To Quietly Love You
She’s trying to quietly love you. Love you from a space that’s her own, a space not crowding yours. Love you without so much advice. She’s trying to quietly love you now. Love you without using the words would, could, and should. Love you without being afraid. A mother is afraid, you know. Yes, she’s fierce, but she’s afraid too. That will never change. […]
Empty Nest by Kim Valzania
We’ve all heard the stories over the years: married couples either come together or grow apart once the children “leave the nest.” Empty nesters will party, travel, and date again like there’s no tomorrow, or they will soon find that they have nothing in common anymore. For many couples, kids are the glue that keeps […]