Dear Kids, You’ve left my warm, comfy nest. I understand. It was time. But in the wee hours of your independent and autonomous lives, when you least expect it, I know you will hear my voice. As you sip your lattes, and walk to class, you will think of me, and I hope those thoughts are met […]
Call Your Mother
Hey you. Yes, you. Call your mother. Today, not tomorrow. Don’t wait for her birthday. Or next Tuesday. Or once a week on Saturday. Or, tonight. Call her now. Don’t wait around for Mother’s Day. Put her first today. Today, put her first. Believe me, she doesn’t expect it. At all. She never expects it. And she’s thinking about you at this very moment. She’s wondering what you’re doing. And how […]
22 Life Lessons We Learn from Children
Have you ever really watched and listened to a toddler or a small child? Of course you have! But have you really? There are so many things we learn by observing innocence in action – things we should try to carry with us into our daily adult lives. Here are 22 life lessons we learn from children: 1. A book before […]