Saying no has never been easy for me. When it comes to avoidance of what I need for myself, I’m a yes girl. Another slice of pie? Yes, please. Want to blow off class and go to the mall? Yes, I sure do! Can you watch my dog for the day? Okay, no problem. Can you come help […]
The Best Version of Yourself by Kim Valzania
Inspirational quotes posted to Facebook…greeting cards with fluffy words of encouragement…advice from other people…you hear it all the time: “Just try to be the best version of yourself!” Blah, blah, blah. It sounds nice and all, but what does that actually mean? Over the years, I’ve presented various versions of myself – many of them “pretty good” but a lot of […]
The Girl She Was by Kim Valzania
She cried rivers and almost drowned the whole world that girl the ache, her ache, swallowed everything around her including her children her poor little children. This is the story of a girl consumed by her own appearance, and what she appeared to be a girl who could not walk past a mirror, with any resistance […]