“Truth does not sit in a cave and hide like a lie. It wanders around proudly and roars loudly like a lion.” ~ Suzy Kassem
Every wish
made by a child
is a wish pure of heart,
with honest intent,
devoid of deceit,
it is but a new and precious baby,
for it is innocent
both before and beyond
the realm of
affected knowing
or by a grownup’s
gluttonous yearning
for what is lost
or what has slipped away
with age.
It is a wish
straight forward
and simple,
a child’s whispered wish
can knock
the whole dirty world
to its’ knees because
it only wants,
it only seeks,
it only hopes
for profound recognition,
and for some direction,
it doesn’t covet,
or steal what doesn’t belong,
or what doesn’t fit.
Every wish
a child makes
is the gift
of open truth,
in and of itself
saturated by
the unsullied
and divine nature
of youth.
So don’t you shrug it off,
or treat it like it’s nothing,
for a child wants
what we all want.
It’s a wish for
fairness, inclusion,
education, peace,
to be heard,
to play,
to be fed,
to be tucked safely into our bed,
with a kiss and a story,
and for more sunny days,
for people to cease their fighting,
the yelling,
the bludgeoning,
and to work through fear,
to look beyond war,
and to be offered simple kindness,
to choose
to seek something more,
it’s a craving for
to tend and cherish
what we have been given,
to revel within our wonder,
to reside inside our love,
and to keep dreaming our wildest dreams.
Every wish a child makes
is one for living,
for simply living as if there is indeed a future,
a future worth all the blood, sweat, and tears we infinitely shed for it,
at stake.
how wonderful to have discovered your blog. Such beauty. I’ll keep reading and experiencing it. I’ve posted this to my page, The Scent of Her. It’s just a facebook site based on my book. Maybe you’ll read my book someday. I know you would connect. Blessings to you and to your mothering….
thank you for reading and I’m glad you enjoy my work. I will check out your book!
I’ve been going through your website. What a great talent you have! I finally had to comment after reading this poem. You truly captured the want and need of every child in the world. To be simply loved. How appropriate I think this poem is right now with all the chaos going on in the world. What must it look and feel like through the eyes of a child? I will continue to read and happily look forward to future posts. Rock on!
Rita – thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts. This is one of my favorite poems. Peace to you!