I blinked, and there he was – a full grown man. Bearded now, smiling, with a beer in hand. I must close my eyes to remember – Him, surrounded by books, and toys building forts, on little knees, making noise. Him, in those blue footed PJ’s, with the little collar snap, a clean little boy, […]
Everything Fits by Kim Valzania
Everything fits when you honestly live and with authenticity, you give and give everything – it fits so easy it fits! without resistance to make it so to make it fit you don’t have to because when you do what you say (what you say you’re going to do) everything just fits. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Everything fits […]
I Found A Letter From A Lady by Kim Valzania
I went out looking for myself, and this is what I found A heaping, hot mess of abuse, not entirely unsound Some given, some received Some conjured, some perceived Copious judgment, hoarded stores of pain Senseless actions and wounding words – Seeping, weeping, insecurity remained Compulsion, revulsion, Binge and expulsion Five bloody knives from flesh cut […]