There’s something about her. She’s beautiful. She walks around with confidence, and through her laughter and her attitude, it appears as though she is a happy woman. Such a joy to be around! Standing there with her purse over her shoulder, she exudes a certain something that draws you right in. You want to get […]
I Will Rise
Today, I will rise. I will channel my inner Tammy Duckworth, my inner Tammie Jo Shults, and rise. I will rise despite obstacles, despite feelings. I will rise despite my depression, my disease, my diagnosis. I will rise despite the raging waters that slap at my doors, and the sandbags tied to my feet. I […]
Dear Little Baby Girl Child
Dear Little Baby Girl Child Nestled in my Arms, I see you looking up at me, with big brown eyes. I see you smiling. Happy to be clean, cradled, and loved. Safe, innocent, with your tiny, feminist fist already flailing and pumping. A girl baby without a story. No stories at all to tell, just […]